I love to eat! But I'd rather not spend a lot of time cooking. I developed these crockpot recipes with inspiration from Heaven's Banquet—Ayurvedic Vegetarian Cookbook by Miriam Hospodar, and The Ageless Woman—Natural Health & Beauty After Forty, by Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, an expert in the system of natural medicine called ayurveda.
For a recipe index, see the Blog Archive below.
Crockpot Soupe Basics:
I'm an intuitive cook; I use words like "about" or "handful". My recipes make about four servings of hearty soup. The basic measurements are: 1/4 - 1/3 cup whole grain; approx. 1/3 cup lentils; 1.5 quarts of water; 1.5 - 2 Tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter, highly recommended by ayurveda) or vegetable oil; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1 rounded Tablespoon of spices; and about 3 cups of mixed veggies. I use, and recommend, organic ingredients for the purest food and optimal nutrition. I hope this blog helps you enjoy good eatin', good health, and creative cooking! I love to hear your comments.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Asparagus and Zucchini Soup

Hurray for spring and local, organic asparagus! High in antioxidants, asparagus also contains glutathione, a phytonutrient which is essential for helping the liver remove toxins.

My soup today was delicious!
About 1/2 cup of red lentils. (I use the highly technical cooking terms about and some...)
About 1/8 cup quinoa, and 1/8 cup barley.
About 1.5 quarts of water, bring it to a boil and transfer to the crockpot.

Walk the dog, meditate, get ready for work. Or whatever you do in the morning. Come back in about an hour.

Heat 1-2 Tbsp of sunflower oil, briefly sautee 1 full Tbsp of Lemon Curry.
Toss in prepped veggies:
A bunch of asparagus, chopped into half-inch pieces.
One small zucchini, steamed whole to retain best flavor, then chopped and added to the soup as we're getting out our thermoses.
1 cup of fresh cilantro
1 full tsp of mineral salt
Some cubed tofu

Stir it up and ladle into your thermoses.
Have a yummy day!

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